BIOSUPERFOOD (BSF) formulas are whole food products containing just four micro-algae – four of the most nutrient and phytonutrient dense algae found on earth:
- Spirulina Pacifica
- Spirulina Platensis
- Dunaliella
- Astaxanthin from Haematoccoccus Pluvialis
These algae were selected amongst thousands for their unique properties, quality, and compatibility. They are hydroponically grown to their highest potential of completeness, balance and synergy.

Spirulina is a blue green micro-algae, unseen by naked eyes, grown in warm and brackish water. It is about 60-70% highly digestible protein. Its protein elements contain 18 out of 22 amino acids, including all the 8 essential amino acids. Spirulina is a profound source of vitamins such as A, B, E, H, thousands of enzymes and several essential and non-essential fatty acids.
Spirulina is rich in B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, chlorophyll, and enzymes. It is also one of the best food sources of GLA – an essential fatty acid necessary for tissue growth and regeneration. Due to its soft cell wall all of Spirulina’s nutrients are easily assimilated.
Dunaliella Salina

Dunaliella Salina is a single celled, salt-water micro-algae that under appropriate growth conditions accumulates massive amounts of beta-carotene. Dunaliella contains other carotenoids such as alpha carotene and xanthophylls like zeaxanthin, cryptoxanthin and lutein. It also accumulates very high concentrations of glycerol.
High concentrations of beta-carotene and glycerol offer Dunaliella protection from the saline conditions and osmotic pressure of the environment where it lives. Natural mixed carotenoids found in Dunaliella salina are among nature’s best antioxidants.

Haematococcus Pluvialis is believed to be by far the world’s richest known source of astaxanthin, a unique natural carotenoid pigment and an extremely powerful biological antioxidant. A growing body of scientific literature shows that natural astaxanthin surpasses many of the antioxidant benefits of vitamin C and vitamin E.
Astaxanthin holds superior antioxidant activity and has an ability to support and maintain natural inflammatory response. Additionally, scientific research has proven that astaxanthin is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and the central nervous system better than many other antioxidants.