BIOSUPERFOOD (BSF) is a whole food product formulated with nutritionally rich micro algae – four of the most nutrient and phytonutrient dense algae found on Earth.
Each BSF formula is formulated with different nutritional value. The formulas are presented in capsules that are easy to swallow and practical to use.

Juspreet Singh Walia
Indian Movie Producer, Restaurateur, Yogi
“We have always been very cautious about what to eat and whether it is enough. When we came across BioSuperfood, we knew what we were missing. We’ve been taking it for 5 years now and recommend it to everyone, as it has boosted our immune system tremendously and we don’t need to stress about meeting the nutrition needs of our body anymore.

Founder of Aapplemint and Mother
“When nothing else worked, this miraculous wonder capsule came to the rescue. From the age of 3 my son has suffered severe leg cramps, 3 times a week. The pain was unbearable. For 5 years we tried different remedies without much luck. There was no reason for his cramps, hence no remedy. It was unbearable to watch my child suffer, and I was desperately looking for help. After BSF F3 his cramps went down by 95%. Thank you BSF!"

Ekta Rajani
Consulting Fashion Director, GRAZIA, Stylist & Yogini
"I have been having BSF for over one year now. I had digestive and acidity issues earlier which are calmer by 60%. I ran reports on my blood work as I do, once a year. All indicators are good as well. I feel lighter, happier knowing my quota of green can travel with me where I go, given an erratic work schedule"

Riddhi Doshi
Mother and Principal Designer - Riddhi Doshi Bespoke Jewels
"BioNutirition changed my son's immune system and made him stronger in many ways. He showed signs of increased energy levels. I do not believe in pills at a young age, but these have the nourishment that every child needs at every age for them to deal with their lives at school or on the field. My son who’s into sports like tennis and soccer, can now perform at a higher level. I would recommend it to all the kids out there."
Welcome to BIONUTRITION INDIA - the age of advanced organics. Wellness is found in nature. We try to provide what nature already offers. We bring to you the benefits of our few selected products that are actually whole foods and not isolates or separates. We like to call them complement instead of supplement.
BIOSUPERFOOD (BSF) f3 180 capsules
BSF formula 3 is our most advanced formula. f3 offers advanced nutritional.. READ MORE
Rs. 7,500.00

One supplement, total empowerment!
The naturally occurring micronutrients found in BSF can replace most dietary supplement needs. Simplifies supplementation and avoids the risks of mixing and matching.
Internationally recognized and awarded
Golden Globe, Eureka 2002 – Best nutraceutical Cross of the Legion, Eureka 2002 – Highest award from the Commission Gold medal, Eureka 2001 – BSF for Chernobyl
Powerful antioxidant – Health Canada recognized
The naturally occurring micronutrients found in BSF can replace most dietary supplement needs. Simplifies supplementation and avoids the risks of mixing and matching.
Anti aging
Procures superior nutritional protection against the symptoms of aging with tangible feelings of renewal.
100% natura
Pure and natural ingredients. No additives, no pesticides, no preservatives. Fully respects the body’s self healing power – you can’t beat mother nature to bring balance to the body.
Immune system support
Helps promote optimal health by boosting the immune system and protecting from free radicals.
Cardiovascular system support
Offers support for a healthy cardiovascular system. Contributes to eliminating excess buildup of heavy and toxic metals.
Increases vitality
mproves mental alertness and energy throughout the day
Suppresses cravings
Value added – significantly increases the efficient digestion of food and absorption of nutrients, which results in fewer cravings and less food consumed
Made from the best algae in the world
Improves cellular repair, including that of RNA and DNA – the building blocks of all living organisms !
Safe for anyone – Health Canada certified
Can be taken by children, seniors, and even pregnant women. Each formula has received certification and Natural Product License from Health Canada
Great for vegans & vegetarian
Very beneficial for vegans and vegetarians! Even the capsules are veggie! Contains complete protein makeup and rare vitamin B12. .....
Complete protein
Contains on average 50% of high-quality complete protein with 95% net assimilation, including all essential amino acids.
Rich in all required vitamins
Vitamin A, B complex (including vitamin B12 which is rarely found in plants), C, D, E, and K.
Abundant in all known minerals and trace elements
Over 92 natural minerals and trace elements like calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium, iridium, iron, copper, selenium, fluorine, and more.
Complete with essential fatty acids
The essential fatty acids (EFA) Omega-3, Omega-6, including rare Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), and non essential Omega-9, and many more. EFAs are the “good fats essential.....
Great source of enzymes
Contains thousands of enzymes critical for good health. Enzymes facilitate breakdown of foods and increase the reproduction of lactobacillus – the bacteria that digests our food.
BSF targets the brain
Contains mixed carotenoids like beta-carotene, alpha- carotene, astaxanthin, lycopene and many more, known to cross the blood retinal and blood brain barriers to efficiently nourish critical brain.......
Most efficient source of chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is to plants what blood is to humans – essential to metabolic functions such as growth and respiration. Chlorophyll, being comprised of magnesium, plays an important role ......
Rich in nucleic acids
Improves cellular repair, including that of RNA and DNA – the building blocks of all living organisms !
Read survivor stories of terminal illnesses including cancer and learn about their journey with BSF.